Is a Distant Meth Addiction Treatment Facility the Best Way to Treat Methamphetamine Abuse or Should I Remain Local?

There are several reasons why people choose to travel away from their hometown to get meth addiction treatment. Some people are forced to travel because they don’t have a meth addiction treatment facility in their locale or because the one that is present doesn’t offer the services they are looking for. Other people travel to maintain their privacy. Still others do so because they need to place as much distance as they can between themselves and their daily life as possible. These are all valid reasons. However, no one travels because it is, by definition, the superior treatment option.

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, there is no single treatment type that works for all people. Therefore, there are certainly people for whom hometown treatment is superior, but that is an individual preference and not a hard and fast rule. There will be just as many people who had to travel to treatment in order to achieve the outcomes they were looking for

In What Instances Is Remaining Local for the Best?

If you have a large, loving family or other strong support system in place, you may get the most benefit from treatment that keeps you close to these people. In addition, if you only intend to receive outpatient care, there is also very little reason to set up living quarters in another city just to attend a few program sessions a week at the meth addiction treatment center.

What Should I Consider If I am Thinking About Traveling to Rehab?

As mentioned, you should only consider traveling if you intend to admit yourself to inpatient treatment to treat methamphetamine abuse. This will ensure you simply have to arrive, undergo treatment, and return home. All of your room and lodging will be taken care of by the treatment center.

In addition, consider your insurance coverage. Often, policy coverage is limited to in-network options and those are the ones closest to your home. If you travel, you may end up paying more out of pocket. Be prepared for this to be the case. However, if you were to be treated in some regions of the world, the overall cost would be considerably less than in others, so the financing may even out.

Are There Some Aspects of Distance Treatment That Are Worth Considering?

When you travel, you separate yourself from all of the people, places, and things associated with your daily life and your meth use. This will let you fully focus on the interventions used to treat methamphetamine abuse. Further, in this situation, you are more likely to bond with other patients and that will maximize the beneficial aspects of peer networking.

Meth Addiction Treatment Centers Are Using Neurofeedback to Treat Methamphetamine Abuse

It’s not uncommon for meth addicts to undergo multiple rounds of treatment. The chronic, relapsing nature of addiction makes it hard to conquer addiction quickly and permanently. For this reason, every new approach that is developed is viewed with optimism. One of the newest breakthroughs is neurofeedback therapy, which is based on biofeedback, a method that has been used for decades. Neurofeedback has been linked to successful treatment outcomes for those dealing with post-traumatic stress disorder, epilepsy, and other brain disorders. Evidence indicates it can help treat methamphetamine abuse as well.

What Is Neurofeedback Therapy?

When you undergo neurofeedback as part of meth addiction treatment, electroencephalography (EEG) sensors are attached to your head and they are used to read your brain activity, which they feed back into a computer that will display your brainwaves in real time. Then, you get to interact with your brain waves and alter them, which impacts their frequency.

Does It Work?

There is evidence that neurofeedback is successful in treating PTSD and ADHD. However, there isn’t a large body of research yet, given the relative newness of the process. It has only been in use for forty years and its application to treat methamphetamine use is considerably more recent.

How Does It Help Meth Addicts?

Neurofeedback is used to levels of neural activity, or arousal. Patients with depressive symptoms work to create more arousal, while anxious ones work to decrease their brain’s activity. If it can be used in this way, it is hoped that it can be applied to controlling cravings.

Among meth addiction treatment centers who are using the technology, the rate of relapse is reported to by 25 percent, which is considerably lower than the normal probability of recurrent symptoms.

If this is something that interests you, do more research and ask prospective treatment facilities if they offer neurofeedback at a way to treat methamphetamine abuse.

Meth Addiction Treatment Uses Alternative Therapies to Treat Methamphetamine Abuse

Making the decision to seek meth addiction treatment is a big decision and it can be a bit scary because you are faced with so many different treatment options and approaches. No method is appropriate for all clients, so programs that treat meth abuse design individual treatment plans to match patients with therapies. When rehabs attempt to use a cookie cutter approach, it often proves less than satisfactory because it fails to address underlying issues and unique circumstances and needs.

It’s important to find a good fit, and the rising popularity of alternative therapies provides patients with additional ways to specialize the care they receive.

Emotional Freedom Techniques

Emotional freedom techniques are employed by meth addiction treatment facilities to help patients identify underlying issues and to manage cravings.

This method is often referred to as “tapping” because patients tap themselves at various points on the body that are linked to acupressure points or meridians, It is an energy psychology technique that aims to energetically balance patients energetically and open up spaces where energy may be blocked. While tapping, participants name their emotional state and present issue they are facing without applying judgement.

Equine Therapy

Equine therapy helps patients give voice to the patterns that contribute to their meth addiction, as well as practicing new ways of feeling, thinking, and acting, Which is why it is becoming a popular way to treat methamphetamine abuse.

This therapy method involves a patient, an equine specialist, and a mental health professional. Essentially, the therapy involves interacting with a horse. It isn’t necessarily horseback riding. Many people simply engage in caretaking activities and in structured activities that are shaped to address restorative issues.

Art Therapy

Art therapy benefits participants during the creation phase, providing therapeutic and relaxing moments. Further, the actual content of the art can be discussed with a therapist to identify and heal emotional wounds that contribute to meth use, making it ideal to treat methamphetamine abuse.

This form of therapy involves the creation of art using numerous mediums of creativity, like clay, beads, paint, pens, pencils, tissue paper, and even scrap metal. You can visit our main website to learn more about treatments.

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